About Untapped Potential Project

The Untapped Potential Project (UP2) exists to bridge the gap between student skills and employer needs, creating new opportunities while building community.

UP2 is a network of career-focused high schools that ensure graduates are prepared for post-secondary success, and proficient in at least one employable technical skill. We ensure preparedness for a student’s next steps after graduation—be it securing an apprenticeship, attending two- or four-year college, going directly into the workforce, or some combination of these paths.

Connecting UP2 Students to In-Demand Jobs

In partnership with trade union and industry leaders, UP2 schools teach in-demand building, construction, technology and other skills to career-focused high school students. Partnering unions guarantee apprenticeship enrollment to all students who meet the designated performance and proficiency standards upon graduation. The first school is scheduled to open in August 2021, and will be located on either the South or West Side of Chicago. Other schools, across Illinois, will be opened in the near future.

Untapped Potential Project Board Leadership

Karin Norington-Reaves

Board Chair

Chief Executive Officer – Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership

James M. Sweeney

Board Secretary-Treasurer

President – International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150

Jim Connolly

Business Manager – Chicago Laborers’ District Council, LiUNA

Don Finn

Business Manager – International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers—Local 134

Phaedra Leslie

Vice President of Diversity, Workforce Development, and Community Engagement – ALL Construction Group